Wednesday, July 9, 2008

#4- Four Kids in Four Years!!!

I Added a baby ticker and so I think I should also Share the Great News!!!
We are having another BABY!!!!
I'm feeling good (well depends on the Day) and we are excited to add #4. I didn't think it would be this fast but we'll take it. The Lords plans are not ours, I learn this every day. I'm Due Jan 8th, so Am 14 weeks/3 months along.


Amanda D said...

Wow, Kelli! Congrats! Glad to hear that you are feeling good (most days.) Good luck with everything.

Boydston Family said...

i am so happy you guys are home. We missed you!!! Only 193 days to go good luck!!!

Tiffany said...

Wow, congrats!

Heidi and Maxwell said...

Congrats Kelli! Now I would really love to live by you. We could just laugh at our crazy "kid-filled" days. I am really thankful that people like you are adding children to the world. Hope you are doing well. Love ya lots...

Tara Rickards said...

Wow! That is incredible! I'm glad you are feeling okay! Let me know if I can do anything for you!!!

Scott and Amy said...

that is so exciting!!! scott and i are having a baby also!!! and it was a total suprise. we were on birth control but that didn't stop this little baby from coming, were due december 29th so just a little bit infront of you, but that is so exciting!! your awesome kelly and have such a strong testimony i love reading your letters to abi your are awesome. love ya.

kahnfam said...

Congradulations! There is someone in my ward who grew up with you in Park City. Her name is Emily, but I don't know her maiden name. I'll find out.

Carolyn Hanson said...

WOW! Congratulations-you guys are really amazing. Keep us posted!