The Mister Trey Dog Keeps us Happy-with Uncle Sam... Pooping the the Tub, and making crazy faces. He is honestly such a Joy. He is obsessed with the Wii right now and wants nothing more than to hold the controller all day long... even when he eats.
Lindi loves to get all dressed up!! Today we crimped her hair so it would look beautiful for
Thanksgiving. We had 5 people to out house and had enough food for 30 it was great for left overs. And Yes I learned to cook my first Turkey.
The day after Thanksgiving we went to a small mining town called Colombia, where they dress up like in the old in days. Mark Ellis my moms cousin took us, He is a stud!!! We were privileged to make Candy canes from scratch it was a lot harder than it looks. It was a fun day out... and we were nerves with 3 kids and lots of driving.
This is Dad and Lindi after getting their "Scripture Power" ... but this time it was more like "Sleepy Power"
Jumping in the bed...I just don't want to have to call the Dr. for any broken heads.
Allie is now almost 2 mts old!!! she is awake a ton more and precious as ever.
Today Trey go up and all he wanted to do was cuddle with Allie he wouldn't let her go! It was so cute. Allie had had enough but Trey just keep on giving her kisses and not the softest hugs.
Hanging out at the Park...wow how our kids love the swings.
and this last pic of Trey I thought he looks like suck the Ladies man. he looks so old here. Wow how kids grow up fast.